1. S.Z. Zhao, A. Rapaport, J. Dong, B. Chen, P.Z. Deng, and M. Bass, 2005. Temperature dependence of the 1.03 mm stimulated emission cross section of Cr:Yb:YAG crystal, Optical Materials, 27(8): 1329-1332
2. S. Huang, Y. Feng, J. Dong, A. Shirakawa, M. Musha, and K. Ueda, 2005. 1083 nm single frequency ytterbium doped fiber laser, Laser Physics Letters, 2(10): 498-501
3. J. Dong and K. Ueda, 2005. Temperature-tuning Yb:YAG microchip lasers, Laser Physics Letters, 2(9): 429-436
4. J. Dong and K. Ueda, 2005. Longitudinal-mode competition induced instabilities of Cr4+,Nd3+: Y3Al5O12 self-Q-switched two-mode laser, Applied Physics Letters, 87(15): 151102
5. J. Dong, A. Shirakawa, and K. Ueda, 2005. Numerical simulation of a diode-laser-pumped self-Q-switched Cr,Yb:YAG microchip laser, Optical Review, 12(3): 170-178
6. J. Dong, A. Shirakawa, S. Huang, Y. Feng, K. Takaichi, M. Musha, K. Ueda, and A.A. Kaminskii, 2005. Stable laser-diode pumped microchip sub-nanosecond Cr,Yb:YAG self-Q-switched laser, Laser Physics Letters, 2(8): 387-391
7. J. Dong, A. Rapaport, M. Bass, F. Szipocs, and K. Ueda, 2005. Temperature-dependent stimulated emission cross section and concentration quenching in highly doped Nd3+:YAG crystals, Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 202(13): 2565-2573
8. J. Dong, J. Lu, A. Shirakawa, and K. Ueda, 2005. Optimization of the laser performance in Nd3+:YAG ceramic microchip lasers, Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 80(1): 39-43
9. J. Dong, J.L. Li, S.H. Huang, A. Shirakawa, and K. Ueda, 2005. Multi-longitudinal-mode oscillation of self-Q-switched Cr,Yb:YAG laser with a plano-concave resonator, Optics Communications, 256(1-3): 158-165
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10. M. Bass and J. Dong, 2005. Properties of diode laser pumps for high-power solid-state lasers, Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics, 41(2): 183-186