首页  发表成果  SCI收录期刊论文  2016年

  1. Hong-Sen He,  Ming-Ming Zhang,  Jun Dong*, Linearly polarized pumped passively Q-switched Nd:YVO 4 microchip laser for Ince–Gaussian laser modes with controllable orientations”, Journal of Optics 18(12): 125202.jopt_18_12_125202.pdf

  2. Xiao-Lei Wang, Jun Dong*, Xiao-Jie Wang, Jie Xu, Ken-ichi Ueda, and Alexander A. Kaminskii, “Multi-wavelength Yb:YAG/Nd3+:YVO4 continuous-wave microchip Raman laser”, Optics Letters, 41(15): 3559-3562 (2016). (OL-2016-41-15-3559.pdf)

  3. Jun Dong*, Shengchuang Bai, Shenghui Liu, Ken-ichi Ueda, and Alexander A. Kaminskii, “A high repetition rate passively Q-switched microchip laser for controllable transverse laser modes”, Journal of Optics, 18(5): 055205 (2016). (jopt_2016_18_5_055205.pdf)

  4. Jie Xu, Jun Dong*, “Effect of codoped interface layer on passively Q-switched laser performance of composite crystals”, Applied Optics, 55(23): 6516-6522 (2016). (AO-2016-55-23-6516.pdf)

  5. Chao-Yu Li, Jun Dong*, “Pump beam waist dependent pulse energy generation in Nd:YAG/Cr4+:YAG passively Q-switched microchip laser”, Journal of Modern Optics, 63(14): 1323-1330 (2016). (JMO-2016-63(14)-1323.pdf)

  6. Jun Dong*, Yu He, Xiao Zhou, Shengchuang Bai, “Highly versatile, self-Q-switched, high-repetition-rate microchip laser generating Ince-Gaussian modes for efficient optical trapping”, Quantum Electronics, 46(3): 218-222 (2016). (QE-2016-46(3)-218.pdf)

  7. Jun Dong*, Yu He, Shengchuang Bai, Ken-ichi Ueda, and Alexander A. Kaminskii, “Cr4+:YAG passively Q-switched Nd:YVO4 microchip laser for controllable high order Hermite-Gaussian modes”, Laser Physics, 26(9): 095004 (2016). (LP_2016_26_9_095004.pdf)

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