1. J. Dong and P.Z. Deng, 2003. Temperature dependent emission cross-section and fluorescence lifetime of Cr,Yb:YAG crystals, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 64(7): 1163-1171
2. J. Dong and P.Z. Deng, 2003. Laser performance of monolithic Cr,Nd:YAG self-Q-switched laser, Optics Communications, 220(4-6): 425-431
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3. J. Dong and P.Z. Deng, 2003. The effect of Cr concentration on emission cross-section and fluorescence lifetime in Cr,Yb:YAG crystal, Journal of Luminescence, 104(1-2): 151-158
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4. J. Dong, M. Bass, Y.L. Mao, P.Z. Deng, and F.X. Gan, 2003. Dependence of the Yb3+ emission cross section and lifetime on temperature and concentration in yttrium aluminum garnet, Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 20(9): 1975-1979
5. J. Dong, 2003. Numerical modeling of CW-pumped repetitively passively Q-switched Yb:YAG lasers with Cr:YAG as saturable absorber, Optics Communications, 226(1-6): 337-344
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