首页  Publications  SCI Papers  Year 2002

Year 2002

1. H.W. Qiu, P.Z. Yang, J. Dong, P.Z. Deng, J. Xu, and W. Chen, 2002. The influence of Yb concentration on laser crystal Yb : YAG, Materials Letters, 55(1-2): 1-7

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2. Y. Kalisky, C. Labbe, K. Waichman, L. Kravchik, U. Rachum, P. Deng, J. Xu, J. Dong, and W. Chen, 2002. Passively Q-switched diode-pumped Yb:YAG laser using Cr4+-doped garnets, Optical Materials, 19(4): 403-413


3. J. Dong, P.Z. Deng, Y.P. Liu, Y.H. Zhang, G.S. Huang, and F.X. Gan, 2002. Performance of the self-Q-switched Cr,Yb:YAG laser, Chinese Physics Letters, 19(3): 342-344


4. J. Dong, P.Z. Deng, and M. Bass, 2002. Cr,Nd : YAG self-Q-switched laser with high efficiency output, Optics and Laser Technology, 34(7): 589-594


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