首页  Publications  SCI Papers  Year 2000

Year 2000

1. J. Dong, J.G. Zhou, H. Wang, J.T. Ling, and L.F. Shi, 2000. An investigation of pitting initiation mechanism of 1Cr12Ni2W1Mo1V steel after induction hardening, Journal of Materials Science, 35(11): 2653-2657


2. J. Dong, P.Z. Deng, Y.H. Zhang, Y.P. Liu, J. Xu, and W. Chen, 2000. Ti:sapphire laser-pumped self-Q-switched Cr, Nd : YAG laser with single-longitudinal-mode output, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 26(2): 124-127


3. J. Dong, P.Z. Deng, and J. Xu, 2000. Spectral and luminescence properties of Cr4+ and Yb3+ ions in yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG), Optical Materials, 14(2): 109-113


4. J. Dong, P.Z. Deng, Y.T. Lu, Y.H. Zhang, Y.P. Liu, J. Xu, and W. Chen, 2000. Laser-diode-pumped Cr4+,Nd3+: YAG with self-Q-switched laser output of 1.4 W, Optics Letters, 25(15): 1101-1103


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