首页  Publications  SCI Papers  Year 2001

Year 2001

1. J. Dong, P.Z. Deng, Y.H. Zhang, Y.P. Liu, J. Xu, and W. Chen, 2001. Ti : sapphire laser pumped Cr4+,Nd3+: YAG self-Q-switched microchip laser, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 16(1): 139-142


2. J. Dong, P.H. Deng, Y.P. Liu, Y.H. Zhang, J. Xu, W. Chen, and X.L. Xie, 2001. Passively Q-switched Yb : YAG laser with Cr4+: YAG as the saturable absorber, Applied Optics, 40(24): 4303-4307


3. J. Dong, P. Deng, F. Gan, Y. Urata, R. Hua, S. Wada, and H. Tashiro, 2001. Highly doped Nd : YAG crystal used for microchip lasers, Optics Communications, 197(4-6): 413-418

oc-197- 4-6 -413.pdf

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